Fineprint 10.41
Fineprint 10.41

The earthquakes are occurring in an area of the state where wastewater disposal volumes have significantly increased over the last several years, it noted. Only a small percentage of the wastewater injected into so-called Class II disposal wells comes from fracking operations, the agency stated. This water is then separated and re-injected into disposal wells, often at greater depth from which it was produced.”

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As the oil and gas is extracted/produced, so is the water. “Produced water is naturally occurring within the Earth that is often high in salinity and coexists with oil and gas in the subsurface. “The primary suspected source of triggered seismicity is not from hydraulic fracturing,” which accounts for only a small percentage of the wastewater, the report stated. Instead, the agency attributed the increase to the practice of injecting wastewater from oil and gas drilling operations-including but not limited to fracked production-into deep disposal wells.Īccording to a 21 April report from the survey, the average number of magnitude 3 or greater temblors within the state has grown to 2½ per day, up from last year’s rate of 2 per week, and a historic average of 1½ per year. I will just say this: DOE and the Board of Governors are trying to shortchange students who come to college for a real education, and avoid following the clear mandate of legislators.The Oklahoma Geological Survey has cleared hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as the cause of a skyrocketing incidence of small earthquakes in the state. With the Civic Literacy requirement, the Legislature recognized the direction higher education is going must be tempered, even to a minor degree.

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I could go on about the purposes of education and how short-sighted we are becoming as to what makes an educated person, but I won’t. It sounds like someone is putting pressure on DOE to make this an easy credit. What does that mean? There is no detail as to what questions, who will formulate them, how many there will be, and no addressing that answers are still online. Instead of deleting the Naturalization Test option, staff added: “with supplemental questions.”

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In other words, for a college student to achieve the Civic Literacy requirement, he or she must answer six elementary school-level questions.Īfter a barrage of criticism, DOE withdrew Rule 6A-10.02413, only to release new draft language Friday.

Fineprint 10.41